Apart from Wyne Sukhumvit, the high rise condominium, Sanitas Studio was commissioned by Sansiri PLC to design Wyne sales gallery.
Drawing from the main concept of Wyne Sukhumvit, the “Revealing Sanctuary” concept was represented as the installation in Wyne Sales Gallery, which was meant to last only 6 month. From the entrance, a repetition of garden strips were continued and lead to the sales gallery. One corner of each garden strips was pulled up and revealed the mirrored surface. It would look as if the ground was pulled up and reveal the emptiness of sanctuary. Viewing from the street, we could see the geometry of garden strip tilted up vertically and we can see the revealing sanctuary through the mirror finished wall, when we enter and walk through the garden.
While the lawn strips only interacted on street side, the texture of planting become more rustic and rich around the sales gallery. At the entrance of the sales gallery, the wooded platform was opened and flexible for urban activity and event with a compliment of water feature pond at the end of the platform. The mirror feature wall was located aligning with the water feature pond as to brighten up the space. The pixelated mirror pieces were tilted in four directions and reflect the four different scenes of surrounded garden; upward, downward, right and left, then create the dynamic scene of surrounding. We could see the moving scene of nature, when the wind blow and the different scenes throughout the day.